Listen to Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast
The Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast is a monthly interview series which invites authors to share their views and experiences that have inspired their work. Our podcasts are thought-provoking and relevant to issues that face us today, as well as provide insight into the literary lives of our authors.
Listen to the podcasts below and subscribe on Podbean or wherever you usually listen to yours. We hope you will find it a rewarding experience!
Kris, an economics and environmental studies expert, discusses her journey from studying philosophy to her deep involvement with the Henry George School of Economics. The conversation delves into the basics of geoclassical economics, the impact of economic taxation policies (ATCOR and EBCOR), and Kris’s experiences working with key figures like Mason Gaffney and Fred Harrison.
In this Shepheard-Walwyn Podcast episode, host Jonathan Brown interviews Akhil Patel, author of The Secret Wealth Advantage: How You Can Profit from the Economy’s Hidden Cycle. Together, they discuss the significant sales and positive reception of Patel’s book, which delves into economic cycles, land monopolies, and the 18-year market cycle.
In today’s podcast, we are celebrating the lifelong contributions of the recently departed Dave Wetzel, by sharing the almost unedited interview conducted earlier this year, to celebrate the release of ‘Taken for a Ride – 2nd Edition’.
This podcast features an interview with Duncan Pickard, a farmer in Fife, Scotland, who discusses his journey into farming, the principles of the Scottish Enlightenment, and the challenges of modern farmland valuation and usage.
In this podcast, the first in a short series celebrating the release of the ebook of Rent Unmasked: How to save the global economy and to build a sustainable future
In today’s podcast, Shepheard-Walwyn podcast host and editor of the updated “Taken for a Ride – Trains, Taxpayers and the Treasury” Jonathan Brown, concludes our discussion of the book sharing key ideas and quotes from the work.
In today’s podcast in our Taken for a Ride miniseries celebrating the unique work of property entrepreneur Don Riley, we speak with Steve Norris, the former transport secretary who forced the treasury to invest in the extension (and incidentally) got Crossrail approved in 1995. Steve contributed to the book and doesn’t hold back in his criticisms of the Treasury there and he does the same in the interview.
Today we are speaking with Dave Wetzel, a committed socialist and environmental campaigner. Whilst he had diametrically opposed political views to Don, they were friends and campaigned together to change government policy.
Fred worked with Don and supported his research into land value uplift and helped Don write the first edition of Taken for a Ride. In this interview he talks about Don’s research and the specific reasons why any landowner needs to understand the impact of public investments on their properties.
In this interview, I interview Phil Anderson, author of The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking. Phil was friends with Don and spent time understanding his approach to investing and the work he did that you can benefit from in Taken for a Ride.
In today’s episode, we welcome back one of our favourite authors, Edi Bilimoria. Since we last spoke to Edi, his book “Unfolding Consciousness” has won book awards. He’s appeared on many podcasts, launched a reader series with Dr Alex Gomez-Marin, long term collaborator with Ian McGilchrist, launched the eBook version of his incredible work and is about to launch a series with the Theosophical Society of America (spaces still available).
Welcome to the second part of our interview with Phil Allen to celebrate the second edition of The New School of Economics.
Welcome to the SW podcast. Today we are speaking with Phil Allen author of the revised edition of critically acclaimed, The New Physiocrats.
My guest today is Akhil Patel, author of a fantastic new book The Secret Wealth Advantage- How you can profit from the economy’s hidden cycle. Now regular listeners and friends of Shepheard Walwyn will recognise Akhil as the director of Property Share Market Economics along with Phil Anderson. Here they teach subscribers how to remember the future and to profit from the real economic order.
In today’s podcast we speak with Marika Henriques, therapist and author of The Hidden Girl – the Journey of a Soul. An amazing combination of art and prose with some poetry, Marika tells her amazing journey of recovery from having to hide from the Nazis as a child in Hungary during the occupation, to being forced to leave her home in 1956 with the Communist takeover where she had to make her way overland to England which has been her home ever since.
Welcome to the final instalment of our dialogue with Edi Bilimoria, author of the stunning 1200 page work Unfolding Consciousness. This is the second part of our dialogue exploring Book three entitled – Gazing through the Telescope – Man is the Measure of All Things.
Today we continue our mini series with Edi Bilimoria, author of the stunning 4 volume work Unfolding Consciousness. As book four is the reference book for the series, this is the penultimate dialogue with Edi.
Today we welcome back Edi Bilimoria to talk about the second volume of his stunning work Unfolding Consciousness. As a quick recap, Edi is an award-winning engineer, glider pilot, concert pianist, philosopher and student of ancient wisdom – the perennial philosophy.
Today we’re speaking with the editor of the soon-to-be re-released classic Land and Taxation, Professor Nick Tideman. He edited this book with the authors Vic Blundell, Fred Foldvary, Mason Gaffney, and Fred Harrison. Nick was raised in Chicago in San Francisco. He got his first degree in math and economics at Reed College and a PhD from the University of Chicago.
Today’s author is Dr. Edi Bilimoria. Edi is joining us for what will become a series of conversations to celebrate and explore his extraordinary for volume 1200 Page Magnus Opus, unfolding consciousness exploring the Living Universe and intelligent powers in nature and humans.
Welcome back to the SW podcast. Today we welcome back Edi Bilimoria to talk about the first volume of his stunning work, Unfolding Consciousness. As a quick recap, Edi is an award winning engineer, glider pilot, concert pianist, philosopher and student of ancient wisdom. In this two-part conversation we will explore the ideas in Book 1, subtitled, A Panoramic Survey – Science Contrasted with the Perennial Philosophy on Consciousness and Man.
Today’s author is Dr Edi Bilimoria. Edi is joining us for what will become a series of conversations to celebrate and explore his extraordinary 4 volume 1200 page magnum opus, Unfolding Consciousness- Exploring the Living Universe and Intelligent Powers in Nature and Humans.
Welcome to Part Two of our interview with Michael Hudson, perhaps the world’s most influential, (but rarely acknowledged), economist. In the first episode, we looked at how economics got corrupted from industrial economics, where people made money by making things to a finance economy where a small elite group makes money by manipulating financial instruments.
Welcome to the Shepheard Walwyn podcast and a two part interview with Michael Hudson, perhaps to the world’s most influential (but rarely acknowledged) economist. Michael has had a remarkable career starting off as a practical or reality-based economist working for a variety of institutions looking and how banks really behave.
Today we welcome Fred Harrison back to the podcast. In this interview, we talk about The Corruption of Economics, a book Fred co-wrote with the late, great Professor Mason Gaffney (with an additional contribution from Dr. Kris Feder. Corruption was released in 1994 but as part of our focus on the classics in the Shepheard Walwyn library we are re-releasing it as an eBook with a new introduction from Fred.
Welcome to the third and final installment of our interview with John Butler, the 84 year old YouTube sensation and author of the Shepheard Walwyn book Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment. Now, this conversation carries on from our last one. And we start off with one of John’s most famous stories, which was when he was eating his favourite pig, or recycling love as he describes it.
This week we continue our conversation with John Butler, 84 year old YouTube sensation and author of Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment. In this conversation, we explore the experiences he writes about in the first part of Wonders. We explore his relationship with nature, his time as one of the first organic farmers in the 1960s and collaborated with people like EF Schumacher, author of Small is Beautiful and Lady Balfour, co-founder of the Soil Association.
Welcome to the final instalment of the Dom Frisby interview. In this conversation we discuss the challenges facing governments around the world and the rise of what some call the “Sovereign individual” also known as the digital nomad.
Welcome to part three of the interview with Dom Frisby. I am your host Jonathan Brown. In this podcast we continue our conversation with investor comedian Dom Frisby about how he measures freedom by the size of the government.
Welcome back to the podcast. I am your host Jonathan Brown. Today we continue our conversation with Dom Frisby. We move the conversation into Dom’s great documentary about Adam Smith and the Edinburgh fringe – essentially an exploration of how individuals can self organise to create brilliance than the elite can plan it. We then take a look at Dom’s views on education and how we can create much more space for choice and self-organising. I then look at Dom’s free documentary about Adam Smith and give some pointers on what to look out for.
Hello and welcome back to the podcast. My name is Jonathan Brown. Today I am speaking with Dom Frisby, perhaps the worlds first economic commentator/comedian. Dom has been a friend of SW and PSE for a long time, hosting talks with Phil but also being crucial to the superb documentary The Four Horsemen, something we know our readers and subscribers have enjoyed.
My guest today is Heather Remoff, author of What’s Sex Got to Do with It? Darwin, Love, Lust and the Anthropocene. Heather first discovered flaws in Darwin’s theory of sexual selection during her doctoral research in the 1970s and has spent the last 40 years developing her understanding of it and related fields, including economics.
Dr Russell-Jones is an author and medic and one of the UK’s foremost environmental writers. He has produced films and co-edited several seminal works on the environment, including Lead versus Health with Sir Michael Rutter FRS, Radiation and Health with Sir Richard Southwood FRS, and Ozone Depletion: health and environmental consequences with Prof Tom Wigley. He chairs an educational charity, Help Rescue the Planet, dedicated to minimising air pollution and mitigating climate change.
Welcome back to the final part of this 3 part podcast series with economist and investor Phil Anderson. Phil wrote the Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking in 2008 which documented the boom bust cycles in US land and property values over the last 250 years. Phil is an in demand speaker in the and is the founder of Property Sharemarket Economics, a subscription service for investors looking for advice on global market movements. In this podcast we look to the future and what we can predict is likely to happen based on our understanding of the past.
Welcome back to part two of this 3 part podcast series with economist and investor Phil Anderson. Phil wrote the Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking in 2008 which documented the boom bust cycles in US land and property values over the last 250 years. Phil is an in demand speaker in the and is the founder of Property Sharemarket Economics, a subscription service for investors looking for advice on global market movements.
In this series of short podcasts we are speaking with economist and investor Phil Anderson. Phil wrote the Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking in 2008 which documented the boom bust cycles in US land and property values over the last 250 years. Phil is an in demand speaker in the international conference circuit and splits his time between Europe, Asia and his home country of Australia. He is also the founder of Property Sharemarket Economics, a subscription service for investors looking for advice on global market movements.
Our guest today is Coronation Street legend, Helen Worth -the much-loved actress who has played the character of Gail (Tilsley/Platt/Rodwell!) on the world’s most iconic TV series since 1974. Helen tends to avoid the spotlight away from the street so we were very lucky to get time to speak with her about her career and, most importantly, to tell everyone about the wonderful book Munu – The Most Special Rhino in the World, written by her long-term wildlife conservation partner Shirley Galligan of the White Lion Foundation and illustrated by the brilliant Zoe Barnish. Helen has been a committed ecologist all her life and we also get into that.
This week we are speaking with one of our most popular authors, economist and investor Phil Anderson. Phil wrote the Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking in 2008 which documented the boom bust cycles in US land and property values over the last 250 years. Phil is an in demand speaker in the international conference circuit and splits his time between Europe, Asia and his home country of Australia. He is also the founder of property sharemarket economics, a subscription service for investors looking for advice on global market movements.
Tom Burgess has been a serial entrepreneur, journalist, editor, lecturer and broadcaster. He was active in student politics, has stood for public office, was a founder member of a new political party and has edited a political newspaper. He built a marketing business that operated in 80 countries from offices in London and San Francisco and has personally advised over 400 companies as well as the Republic of Ireland and the State of California.
This week we are speaking with John Butler, one of our most popular authors at Shepheard Walwyn and perhaps the most unlikely YouTube star, you can ever hope to meet. John is a retired farmer and is well into his 80s. He published The Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment in 2008 which tells his life story and shares the realisations he experienced during a lifetime of meditation.
What’s so special about this rhino? Find out why and about Shirley Galligan’s mission to inform our next generation of conservationists… Munu is a story of hope in the face of adversity. As one of the world’s rarest black rhinoceros, Munu was tragically blinded and could not have survived in the wild if it was not for the White Lion Foundation who rescued him, offering him a sanctuary and lifetime care in South Africa. His story, as the most special rhino in the world, will appeal to children, with its humorous tone as well as promoting the charity’s ethos of integrity and kindness.
In this podcast we meet Kenny Jamieson, the author of a truly amazing book “A World In Two Minds – Why we must change our thinking to change our future”. It’s a book written to help us make sense of the seeming chaos around us. He argues that by utilising insights from neuroscience, philosophy, science and psychology to name a few, we can renew our minds, change our thinking and change our future.
In Part II of the interview with Anthony Werner, the publisher who has led Shepheard Walwyn since 1979, we look into some of the other works in the Shepheard Walwyn catalogue. The jigsaw or tapestry that is Shepheard Walwyn today starts with economic and social justice that Anthony learned from his father in South Africa. However, he has also published many other works that explore related themes such as ecology and spirituality – perhaps one of the most famous authors in this area is John Butler.
Anthony Werner has led Shepheard Walwyn for over 40 years. He took over from the founder, Christopher Shepheard Walwyn in 1979. When the firm ran out of capital, Anthony invested his own money to keep it going and began publishing books that he felt needed to be published because of their importance to society.
Fred is on record for predicting the start of the next major crash to be 2026-28. In this final podcast of the series, he looks ahead and considers four major challenges facing us in the UK – recovering from the pandemic and handling Brexit; how to handle the rise of online retail and the effect it has on our communities and the position of China in the global economy.
In 1990, Fred had an opportunity to work with the former USSR as it transitioned from a communist economy. All assets were in state hands so it would seem that having an economic system built for the people would be an obvious choice. It was obvious and so it was stopped. As Fred explains, having a successful and fair economy went against the economic interests of the few.
The richest people in the world, through the World Economic Forum in Davos, are arguing for a “Great Reset.” This would mean that normal people own nothing and that resources are concentrated in the hands of an elite. In this podcast, Fred explains how we could have a People’s Reset using the economic ideas popularised in the English speaking world by Henry George, a US born social campaigner. It looks as if we have lots of problems in society. In fact, we have only one…
Fred’s work gets better with time. He looks more deeply at the economic and social challenges we face than just about any other economist we know. Consequently, he gives insights and illumination that still shine decades later. His forecasts are, in our opinion unrivaled in economics. In short he has repeatedly done the impossible by forecasting the peaks and troughs of economic cycles years and even decades ahead of others.