Congratulations to Tessa West whose book Lady Sue Ryder of Warsaw is a finalist in The People’s Book Prize.

This award is chosen by a public vote, with readers adding comments and short reviews of the works they vote for. There are 2 heats each year and the winners in each category go through to the grand final. Votes from the first round are carried forward and voting for the final is from 1-30 April 2019.  Winners are announced at the awards ceremony in May. Many thanks to all who voted for Tessa in the heats. We hope you will do so again in the final.

Tessa received a large number of outstanding reviews of her biography during the voting. Here are some of them:

“Sue Ryder felt real and I trusted the account. Good research, thoughtful writing. Quite a story.”

A fascinating book, well researched and extremely well written. The author has taken a lot of trouble to give us “intricate and fascinating detail about Sue Ryder’s inspirational work and life.”

“I was delighted to come across Tessa West’s fascinating biography of Lady Ryder. My mother was Lady Ryder’s friend and confidante … Lady Ryder was totally selfless; she worked tirelessly (on virtually no sleep!) and devoted her life to help others. In her well-researched book, Tessa has done a magnificent job providing Lady Ryder with the recognition and acknowledgement she so very much deserved.”

“Tessa West has captured the spirit and drive of a very unusual person. She has not deified her and, in her restraint, has allowed Lady Ryder’s faith and compassion to breathe through her work. The book remained interesting from the first page to the last. I applaud the hard work put into this book and the service that Tessa has done for all of us in writing it. Well done.”

To read more comments visit the People’s Book Prize page.

To order a copy of this fascinating biography click on the cover image below.

Good luck to Tessa in the finals taking place in 2019.

Cover - Lady Sue of Warsaw