We are very sad to announce that publisher, Anthony Werner, has passed away this December 2022. He led Shepheard-Walwyn for over 40 years and was a wise and knowledgeable gentleman. He was a great supporter of literature and was a founding publisher of The People’s Book Prize in 2009. At their 10th awards ceremony, he won Best Publisher (2019). The full video of the 2019 Ceremony is available here.

He dedicated his life to publishing innovative and thought-provoking books to improve the life of our society and to move our society into a more positive place.

He was also a member of the World Public Forum network community, where people from different fields of expertise meet to discuss the challenges of globalisation and try to make the world a more harmonious place through openly discussing possible solutions through trust, respect and the want to rid society of injustices.

He will be greatly missed by his family, colleagues, authors and others in our industry. His legacy will live on in the books and ideas that he championed.

Image credit: www.peoplesbookprize.com