
Eighteen essays re-examine Ficino’s life and work focusing on three essential aspects: his significance in his own times, his spreading influence throughout Europe and over subsequent centuries in many areas of thought and creativity, and his enduring relevance today. Translation of his major works from Latin enables a new generation to rediscover and share Ficino’s vision of human potential.


Author Details
This collection of essays grew of itself from the initial wish to mark the 500th anniversary of Ficino’s death (especially as the 500th anniversary of his birth went unmarked in 1933, since when, thanks to Professor Kristeller’s pioneering work, Ficino’s name is now widely known as the very centre of the Florentine Renaissance). When the material on this much-loved man was finally collected together, the extraordinary amount and range of his writings and influence was revealed, and I am delighted to have brought together such a fund of information and inspiration concerning a man whose relevance to the 21st century and the third millennium is thus apparent — as reviewers have remarked.


“…this splendid collection of essays does him full justice…. a perfect introduction to his all-encompassing philosophy…”
Temenos Academy Review

“As Ficino says…we are essentially that which is greatest within us – which he calls the soul. All his writings are an invitation to all mankind, to live as that greater self; to think and act and love universally, as heirs of the whole Creation; and to find joy in this.”
The Compulsive Reader