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The late Michael Jacques, a chartered accountant and then lecturer at the Faculty of Commerce of the University of the Witwatersrand, worked with Stephen Meintjes on the submission to the Treasury of various proposals on windfall taxes, royalties and general tax reform.

The book that he wrote with Stephen Meintjes, Our Land, Our Rent, Our Jobs is the subject of the closing thought in Land and Liberty Magazine, a piece by the economist Fred Harrison.


“Lateral ideas on tax raising to generate social justice for all South Africans whilst maintaining
international investor confidence.”
Peter Hain

“This book is, in a sense, immediate and topical and in another, universal and timeless.”
Nobantu Mbeki, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

“… abounds with new ideas … they must be debated, for only in this manner can a solution to the [land] crisis be found.”
Dr. Thami Mazwai, University of Johannesburg

“[The authors] challenge us to totally rethink the nature of taxation.”
Kennedy Maxwell, past President, Chamber of Mines of South Africa

“This is an innovative proposal on taxation that simultaneously addresses the issues of equity, growth, job creation and tax efficiency. It goes beyond the theory and outlines practical steps that can be taken to a different taxation regime …”
JP Landman, Economic Advisor, Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa

“The concept of community-created natural resource rentals as described … does much to stimulate the basis for an expectation for finding and unleashing forces that could give rise to economic regeneration.”
Alex Anderson, Chairman of MIS Holdings

“A valuable contribution filled with sensible commentary that is well supported and well evidenced.”
Dr. Adrian Saville, Chief Investment Officer, Cannon Asset Managers

“An excellent demonstration of how to apply principles of economics to precise circumstances of place and time — in this case of South Africa today. The main principles concerned are the law of rent, the incidence of taxation and the role of credit, all of which are included in the authors’ understanding of natural law. What characterizes the book, and distinguishes it from others that have dealt with these same principles, is the use of the concept of resource rentals as a broader alternative to land value taxation. In support of their argument the authors quote from the preamble to the South African Constitution: ‘South Africa belongs to all who live in it.’ With great care and perception they draw out the implications of this statement…The authors deserve great applause for their devoted application of principle and empirical research to their native economy.”
Brian Hodgkinson, African Development Review

“For a country in search of inspiration, here’s an idea that deserves a decent airing.”
Ciaran Ryan, Moneyweb

“This is a thorough study with enough detail to provide the basis for adoption by the SA government if it were persuaded of its merits. The principle argument put forward by the authors in favour of LVT is that it would be a fairer tax than the current arrangement and help bring rural and deprived areas out of poverty. Anyone interested in social justice needs to look at economic justice as part of that, and anyone interested in economic justice needs to look at tax justice. This book is therefore a welcome addition to the literature.”
Amazon Reader Review