Volume II
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Unfolding Consciousness : Exploring the Living Universe and Intelligent Powers in Nature and Humans Volume II
Peering Down the Microscope – Man’s Internal Landscapes (This is part of a set of 4 volumes presented in a slip case that is priced at £98.50)
ISBN: 9780856835377
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Dimensions: 280 mm x 190 mm
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Details: 250pp
Volume II is a microscopic exposition of the complete constitution and nature of the human being. As such, its purpose is to extend considerably the scope of Volume I on this subject. Here the author progresses well beyond general remarks about body, soul, and spirit, or mind and consciousness, in favour of an in-depth exposition of the subtle (i.e., non-physical) bodies of the human being on all levels from the spiritual to the physical. Establishment science in its current paradigmatic state of limitation, circumscribed by the five physical senses, obviously has nothing to proclaim about the subtle bodies—and so should desist from attempting to deny their validity. However, since time immemorial, the sages and hierophants of the Mystery Schools, and all cultures world-wide, have provided unassailable evidence about the geography and contours of the inner constitution of human beings, something which has also been intuited by scientists with an awakened mystical faculty. To this end, in order to show their commonality, the author draws mainly upon the profound occult doctrines expressed in a modern scientific format through the nexus with the modern Theosophical Society, but also from other great centres of learning, supported, whenever possible, by the work of legendary scientists (like Sir William Crookes, OM PRS and Erwin Schrödinger, FRS) who have progressed far beyond the confines of purely materialistic concepts.
This Volume is written in three sections and is copiously illustrated and referenced. The Prefatory sets the scene by briefly reviewing the message of Volume I focussing on the fundamental question of who, or what is a human being, and what is meant by mind and consciousness from the standpoints of science and occult science. The first section, spanning Chapters 1 to 5, comprises major expositions from occult science on the composition of the human being, i.e., his constitution and nature. Such understanding provides the foundation for explaining death in terms of a change of state of consciousness, and not its extinction, as almost singularly promulgated by science. Accordingly, the dynamics of the cyclical transitional process, involving death, after-death states, and subsequent reincarnation is explained and justified, along with related phenomena such as apparitions. The second section, covering Chapters 6 and 7, commences by clarifying common misconceptions. This is followed by a comprehensive exposition on a major theme of this volume: justifying why the human being cannot be thought of merely as a bio-physical machine, nor the human mind equated with the brain which, in turn, cannot be regarded, even in principle, as ‘just a computer’.
The third section, comprising Chapter 8, draws together teachings from a wide range of sources, ancient and modern, from the East and the West, specifically to demonstrate their common origin in the perennial philosophy. Lastly, the Coda is a rather novel way of summarizing the contents of Volume II and leading on to Volume III.
Volume II closes with three appendices. Appendix A provides robust evidence from numerous academic, peer-reviewed scientific journals in support of the existence of an ether—a precept of occult science—which has supposedly been disproved for all time by mainstream science on the basis of the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment. Appendix B supplies more details about the function and role of the mysterious bridge that connects the two levels of the mind. Appendix C discusses the common tendency of spiritual societies to adopt a conformist mindset and how this serious bar to progress can be avoided.
This Volume also makes the case that occult science, comprising the wisdom of all ages, is unavoidably an enormous subject. Thus, it demands a holistic approach based on universality of enquiry. Hence, a one-track purist approach is neither sensible nor true to the spirit of the esoteric and occult tradition. This is the reason for stressing the importance of teachings from other great streams of learning not directly connected with the Theosophical Society, whilst showing their confluence and nuanced differences with the latter, entirely in harmony with its Second Object: ‘To encourage the comparative study of religion, philosophy and science.’
Edi Bilimoria (DPhil, FIMechE, FEI, FRSA) was born in India and educated at the universities of London, Sussex and Oxford, he presents an unusual blend of experience in the fields of science, arts and philosophy.
Professionally, Edi is an award-winning engineer and consultant to the petrochemical, oil and gas, transport, and construction industries. He has been Project Manager and Head of Design for major innovative projects such as the Channel Tunnel, London Underground systems, petrochemical plants and offshore installations. He also worked in safety and environmental engineering for several Royal Navy projects, including the Queen Elizabeth Aircraft Carrier and the fleet of Offshore Patrol Vessels.
A student of the perennial philosophy for over half a century, Edi has given courses and lectured extensively in the UK, and internationally in California, The Netherlands, India and Australia. He has organized and chaired conferences with the object of encouraging discourse on the different, but overlapping, roles of science, religion and practical philosophy. He worked as Education Manager for the Theosophical Society in Australia developing courses and study papers, researching, lecturing and organizing international conferences; as well as supervising the Research Library, National Media Library, National Members Lending Library and the development of the website.
Edi has published extensively in the fields of science, engineering and the esoteric philosophy. His book The Snake and the Rope was awarded a prize by the Scientific and Medical Network on which he now serves as a Board Director.
An enthusiastic glider pilot for many years, Edi is a choral singer and a dedicated pianist of concert standard.
“I know of no other work of such scope and depth relating to the ultimate questions raised by human existence both in terms of our origins and destiny.”
David Lorimer is Chair of the Galileo Commission and International Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network, Editor of Paradigm Explorer.
“Unfolding Consciousness is a remarkable tour de force through spiritual meanders of esoteric traditions, from East and West, and their dialogue with modern science. It is as fascinatingly provocative, as it is informative – and it will equally challenge the scientist, the philosopher, and the artist. In contemporary, unpretentious language, it takes the reader from the spiritual mission of humanity to the principles of the universe (and back), with careful consideration of both scientific evidence and metaphysical subtleties; and underneath it all, it seeks the traces of consciousness, in all its forms. Just like its main theme — ourselves, and our rapport to the universe – this is not an easy book; nor should it be. It is an important work, which is worth taking time to engage with.”
Dr Ana-Maria Pascal, MBA, PhD, SFHEA, Director, Liberal Arts Programmes, Associate Professor in Philosophy and Public Ethics, Provost’s Group, Regent’s University London
“It is refreshing to read a masterly study of consciousness written by an author who roots their arguments in a profound grasp of esoteric wisdom. It is not simply that such wisdom conveys profound insights for understanding the essence of consciousness. Of far greater importance is the skill that Edi Bilimoria brings in clarifying our place in the vast panorama of which we are a part. There is nothing more pressing in our day than this challenge for us to act in synergy with the planet (and, in more esoteric terms, the macrocosm). Bilimoria shows that the ancient axiom that “man is the measure of all things” can be revitalised in the context of contemporary science. And he brings an encyclopaedic grasp of modern physics, neuroscience, and psychology to support his supremely optimistic view that consciousness is fundamental to reality. This is an insight whose time has come, and Bilimoria shows himself to be a diligent and creative guide to what a post-materialist understanding of consciousness will mean for us all.”
B Les Lancaster, Professor Emeritus of Transpersonal Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University and Director, the Alef Trust
“This work presents a comprehensive, lucid and well-written overview, with careful attention to detail and yet full of far-ranging and potentially transformative ideas.”
Rupert Sheldrake PhD, biologist and author of The Science Delusion
“When you consider the scope, width and erudition of this book, it is not surprising that it took its author over 20 years to complete. Most philosophical books take a single view of the problem of consciousness, either scientific or philosophical, but Edi Bilimoria takes a much wider, more inclusive view. Who am I? is the underlying question of Volume I: A Panoramic Survey – Science Contrasted with the Perennial Philosophy on Consciousness and Man, which provides an overview of the field, highlighting both the value of science and its limitations as a tool for examining the deeper problems of life and consciousness, and makes the case for the perennial philosophy as a bridge to reach a greater understanding of these areas. In Volume II: Peering Down the Microscope – Man’s Internal Landscapes, Bilimoria manages the seemingly impossible task of finding common ground in the mass of beliefs and practices, old and new, from diverse, cultures, religions and philosophies, to demonstrate an overlap and unifying doctrine even on such issues as post-mortem existence and re-birth and the complexities of the human mind. Volume III: Gazing Through the Telescope – Man is the Measure of All Things is even more ambitious in its aim to show how the human being fits into the grand scheme of the universe, to examine the question of emergence from the spiritual to the material, from the implicate order to its explicit expression. It draws on the insights of symbolism and mysticism, and the deepest teachings of occultism to explain the nature of consciousness. In this 21st Century, an era in which science is our dominant paradigm and is playing an ever increasing part in our technology and our lives, this book helps to adjust the balance and resolve the conflicts between science and religion on issues like evolution and purpose, the nature of consciousness, and what it truly means to be a human being as opposed to an animated robot or a biological mechanism.
This is a complex work, but each chapter opens with a synopsis and closes with a summary of the principle themes which are extremely helpful and means that despite their complexity, the three volumes are always easy to understand and follow. I would recommend this trilogy to anyone who wants a broad overview of the various traditions which have led to the current Western understanding of man’s place in the Universe.”
Dr Peter Fenwick is Emeritus Consultant Neuropsychiatrist and Neuropsychologist at both the Maudsley and John Radcliffe hospitals. He was a senior lecturer at King’s College, London, where he worked as a consultant at the Institute of Psychiatry. He worked with the Mental Health Group at the University of Southampton, and held a visiting professorship at the Riken Neurosciences Institute in Japan. He is President Emeritus of the Scientific and Medical Network.
“As we enter the age of post-materialist science, in which consciousness is seen as a fundamental rather than incidental feature of the Universe, there is an urgent need to extend science to accommodate the mental and spiritual domains. However, this is not a new endeavour, since it also characterises various esoteric traditions which go back a thousand years and embrace a variety of cultures. The unique and remarkable achievement of this work is to put this endeavour in a proper conceptual and historical context and only someone with the extraordinary breadth of vision of the author could have achieved this.”
Bernard Carr, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, and President of the Scientific and Medical Network
“This is a historic work in historic times. The trilogy at hand will prove a most useful textbook for every student of esoteric wisdom and modern science. It reveals the ontological unity of the Eastern and Western branches of our perennial wisdom and shows how science that seeks truth will inevitably transform itself, once again, towards a great synthesis of both traditions. It will be proven a seminal work since its readers will discover the seeds of future growth for themselves as seekers and for scientific research at large. It heralds the new science of consciousness and offers us the roadmap and the necessary tools and impetus to achieve it.”
Vasileios Basios (BSc,MSc,PhD in Physics of Complex Systems, University of Brussels (ULB))
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ISBN | 9780856835377 |
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