
A cascade of stars
Set against a shade of night
To beautify your day.

In Cascade of Stars the well-known Yoga teacher and author Mira Mehta explores the worlds of nature and human nature with sensitivity, freshness, imagination and wit.

The hundred or so poems in this collection range over a wide variety of subjects. Unusually, they combine a classical structure with a modern style.

Her writing reveals keen observation and deep understanding. Her fluency with words and ability to crystallise an emotional moment can transform something very ordinary into something quite exceptional, stimulating the mind or touching the heart.


Mira Mehta was first asked to write a poem as a child at school. Whenever possible after that she wrote poems rather than essays for homework. While deeply interested in language and linguistics, she also explored other subjects and became internationally known in the field of Yoga through her books Yoga: The Iyengar Way and Health through Yoga. Now, after a long spell, she has re-awakened to the insistent call of the Muse.

Cover design by Ned Hoste/2h based on artwork by Nikola Hinton incorporating a silhouette of the author’s grandmother, Elsa Tutschova.


‘I do think you write wonderfully well – You write with a sparse and elegant choice of words, and there is a welcome touch of wit in some of your verse.’
Nigel Hawthorne